Online Businesses
Online Business
As you scroll through amazon, you are able to find dupe after dupe after dupe of high-end products that cost a pretty penny. Companies such as Amazon allow you to find thousands of different products but have you ever thought about where those products come from? There are companies that sell products in bulk for a very low price and then another company will resell them for an affordable price that will intrigue customers because sometimes they are the same quality as high-end products but for a much cheaper price. The act of buying from these types of companies is called drop shipping. If a company chooses to sell its products this way, the manufacturer sends it directly to the customer, so the business that hired the manufacturer does not have to worry about shipment but only about complaints and returns. They truly do not have any control over the shipping progress why its a monopoly choosing to use a manufacturer to be in charge of your shipment the business has no control over who the product is being shipped with. To avoid complications with the shipment, companies steer towards affiliated marketing, which is in charge of driving customers to your business, and when a purchase is made, they send it out. All the orders go through said business. If the business has been operating for a while and has gathered a large audience, it may hire publishers and advertisers to be in charge of drawing in customers. These are two different types of ways businesses nowadays go by advertising and selling their products.
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