Children's Needs
It is very easy to look over the needs of children and their cries for help. According to Michael Popkin, the main job of parents is to protect and prepare their children for the real world and when they are officially on their own. I strongly believe in this statement, because I've lived it. In other parents' eyes, my parents may have appeared strict, but it comes back to different cultures and different lifestyles. My father lived in a dysfunctional home, he wanted to avoid things that happened in his own home that would later leave a long-lasting effect on himself and his sisters, from happening to me. For example, I was only allowed to sleep over at family friends' homes such as members of the church that we have known all of our lives, compared to not sleeping over at a friend's house that they have never met. Was I frustrated and jealous that I couldn't go to school sleepovers? The answer is yes, who wouldn't be, but they always offered to take me back th...